Monday, January 19, 2009

Intros and Beginnings

Well here I am finally jumping into the world of Blogging! I've only thought about it off and on for about a year!!!

Just that first paragraph tells a lot about me I guess. I don't jump into new things very quickly. My spirit of adventure spends a lot of time in my head before moving into the world of action!!!

Well, here goes. I am an almost-64-year-old grandmotherly person who is a stay at home mom to a 16 year old step son. Between my age and his youth life sometimes gets interesting. My hobbies are reading and quilting and surfing the net, but not necessarily in that order. The order depends on how I feel on that particular day. I have a list of other hobby interests that I sometimes jump into at the drop of a hat. Rubber Stamp card making, knitting, doily crocheting and hand embroidery have all had their turn in my life and sometimes reappear when the spirit moves me.

I spent many years in the work world and raising three sons of a previous marriage. I don't miss the hubbub of the work world at all. I DO miss the money!! Quilting can get quite expensive! And books too, even when purchased used can add up. It's a good thing Jo Ann's has good coupons and sales and my library has become my fond companion!! And let's not forget the friends who pass on their books and unwanted quilting tools and fabrics! They are a godsend!!

My Internet pooch is a old Packard Bell slow poke that has served me well for quite a few years now, but is starting to become so outdated that I can't even play the videos that seem to spring up every where on the net these days. And it can't handle much of the newer software that's around. Packard Bell is no longer in the United States, so parts could be a problem.And my Windows 98 system isn't even supported by Microsoft any more!! Poky ol' dial up for me. I sure haven't been successful getting the ol' pooch updated to handle high speed Internet service!